Friday, August 22, 2008

The House Bunny

Hot Damn Shabuya! The House Bunny is possibly the funnies movie I have seen in 1.8 decades. And it is definitely the funniest movie of the summer. I was laughing so hard I had to make TWO emergency trips to the bathroom, all the while dying inside, knowing I was probably missing another moment of hilarity. The fact of the matter is I am a sucker for a makeover montage no matter how crappy the movie that contains it is, or really any montage for that matter. And this movie had two mass makeovers and one individual makeover. perfection.

The plot is brings a fresh take on the classic lame sorority/fraternity makeover storyline, and the actors are spot on. I don't want to give anything away but I am absolutely cooing with joy over how much this movie made me happy. Anna Faris was spot on, and Emma Stone is a delightful young comedian in the making. This movie had quirk, sex, and was just plain fun. Don't listen to the credits, sometimes a movie is just mean to be fun and boy was the house bunny Ever that. I'd prefer to leave a movie feeling as i did today with a skip in my step and joy in my heart than to leave a critically acclaimed thinker that was more of clunker. Of course that being said the best movies are usually smart and complex and have a fair measure of grit, but that is not the only formula for a winner, as the House Bunny clearly proves.

Now Seriosuly Stop reading this, go out, see the movie, and then comment about how much you agree with me.

I'll leave you with my personal favorite quote (chosen from many formidable quips)

"The eyes are the nipples of the face"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

LOVES IT!!! montages are a necessity in each movie, and this provides us with not one but two.