Sunday, December 23, 2007

Step One, or Something like it

Well, today marks the first day of my intensive program. I am both excited and dismayed to share the results of my initial foray into the realm of health and happiness. The Day started successfully enough with a brush of the teeth a swallow of the mynocycline pill (to combat my acne), and a handful of rice crispies. I'm not a breakfast person, and never have been but I can't swallow pills, at least not with a liquid. Therefore, I have turned to slipping my pills into my chewed food in order to trick my body into accepting the foreign object. This is not the only trick I've pulled on my body today, nor shall it be the last.

After a successful morning, I headed out to meet my friend, Olivia, for a midday movie. We saw Sweeney Todd which I was particularly excited for, because one of the songs I sing with my voice teacher is from that musical, and I really wanted to see it in action. In keeping with my above average levels of egotism I feel I out sang the twelve year old who sang my song, but talent is a subjective evaluation. Regardless, My greatest triumph however, was my complete neglect of the snack counter. Not one kernel of popcorn, not one M&M, and not a sip of soda met my lips nor my digestive system. This small triumph put my mind in a good place throughout the movie and for a good portion of the rest of my day.

My time with Olivia transitioned into a meeting with another friend, Alex who tempted my to nibble on one foot of a ginger bread man. We went to pick up our other amigo, Adam, and proceeded to go out for sushi. Sushi is, in my opinion, the most wonderful, satisfying meals on the planet, and its healthy to boot! With an Easy dinner ahead of me I indulged in some miso soup, a green salad, and a tekka-don YUM! For those of you unfamiliar with delectable Japanese cuisine, a tekka-don is a bowl of raw tuna on top of sushi rice. Overall, Dinner was completely in keeping with my diet and surprisingly, I felt satisfied. I was glad that I could keep to a diet and not feel like I was missing out on the world.

Unfortunately, I succumbed to some caloric beverages later in the evening and had two slices of pizza at a late night Italian bistro. This diversion from the master plan coupled with my prioritizing of my social life over my work out schedule puts essentially back at ground zero. At least there is no where to go but up! Now I stumble home at around 2AM and I am proud to say that I have taken the time to take my medicine and brush my teeth! Despite my pride I am still filled with dread by the knowledge of my trip to Boca Raton, not only does this translate in Spanish to Rat's Mouth, but it is also essentially an elephant graveyard for elderly Jewish people. As always, this visit to my father's parents will be less than thrilling and there will be little reward to be had for enduring the endless droning of the elderly. I become effervescent at just the thought of being engulfed by such a world of impatience and rudeness. Here's to hoping I'll find greater success in the events of tomorrow.

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