Wednesday, April 30, 2008


Well, Today was a complete and total failure. By the way, I'm pretty tired so I hope to keep this brief, and It may end up just being a simple overview of todays eating habits.

I woke up to a bowl of rice crispies and milk and devoured it as usual. Then I nibbled on my packed lunch of pretzel crisps and Kellogg's bars. Next I had my mom sign me out of school and went with Gaby to Starbucks. I was about to purchase a delicious grapefruit flavored Ize Soda when I remembered this blog. As I reached for the ethos water Gaby mentioned that she felt bad suggesting starbucks for me to not be able to order anything, so I ordered an unsweetened Green tea-lemonade. I still felt good at this point, but that too shall pass.

A Keva Juice just opened locally and I love that stuff! So naturally that was my next destination and I ordered a 332 calorie 24 oz Pineapple Splash smoothie. Felling guilty, I decided that this would be my lunch. Of course this notion was shattered after I spoke to Alex and we decided to meet for chinese food which was followed by yet more Keva juice. Then for Dinner the Salzbergs treated me to a great meal which despite its decadence pushed my diet further into oblivion.

At Diner Alex and I shared Wild Mushroom Bread Pudding, Rocket Salad, A Chevre Tart dish, Lobster Johnny Cakes, and A Delicious Duck Entree. The food was amazing and it was topped off my Smores and a Lavender Blueberry cobbler which literally blossomed in my mouth.

All failures accounted for, I am very sleepy so I will end this particularly unsatisfying post and go to bed

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