Tuesday, April 29, 2008

It's been a while

Wow! It's been a long ass time since I last posted. Sorry about that, although I doubt I've retained any readers with my 3 currently standing posts.

Anyway, I'd like to start this off by wishing my most Loyal reader, Adam Montgomery, a Happy Birthday shout out! I would like to thank him for all of his support and positive comments despite his introduction of caloric beverages into my system. I'd prefer not to have to recount the events of the past few months, but my hiatus has been a result of lacking motivation, homework, and a general aversion to blogging. With that out of the way, I will hopefully resume this blog and with luck I will keep it going for more than three days this time.

Today was quite a day. I woke up from a long and restful slumber at about 7:45 AM knowing damn well that I didn't have to be in school until 10:30. To think what one could do with all that free time. Write an essay perhaps? Well, that is exactly what I did. I had to construct a 5-7 (which of course means 5) page paper on Ralph Ellison's "Invisible Man". The book was decent and certainly powerful and relevant, but also boring and troublesome. The resulting essay was a steaming pile of shit but at least I'll be turning in something, and I'll probably get a B+ regardless. Anyway, at around 9:45 I pulled myself out of bed and completed my morning routine.

Oh, here's a fun anecdote. I can't swallow pills. Something in my mind is like "no way motha' fucker that shit ain't food and it ain't goin' down this mother fucking gullet" or something to that extent. So I fool myself by chewing up some food, slipping the pill in my mouth and swallowing. i take a twice daily Minocycline capsule for my acne and often take the morning dose with a spoonful of cereal and milk. Well, this morning, to my great chagrin, I notice clearly printed on the label of my pill bottle, "Do Not Take With Food or Milk". Great.

Moving on, I went to school printed my essay and endured a particularly grueling session of AP Language and Composition during which the entire class attempted to seem like they had any inkling about what was going on in a book that we all haven't read despite the fact that we all assuredly failed the reading quiz given yesterday.

This transitioned into the deflating reveal of Mrs. Gaffney's absence. I love Calculus. I love it in any capacity, even when it takes up lunch time. I am a nerd. Thus Ms. Blowe's presence was upsetting. By the way, Caroline Blowe was looking quite lovely today. I think she may have trimmed her beard. Upgrade! Here's something that may surprise you about me. I have absolutely no interest in the show gossip girl. I love top model, I adore project runway, I watch the tyra show regularly, but Gossip Girl continues to do absolutely nothing for me. And of course, the conversation during Calculus was dominated by blather about that particular show. It clouded my mind and I couldn't focus on the Calculus and was considerably sour. On a happier note, a side conversation about Grand Theft Auto IV piqued my interest and I am currently contemplating making a foray into the territory of that franchise.

Finally as if by a divine act of god, The clouds parted, the sun shone upon the gritty Floridian soil and it was time for senior lunch, and today I was planning on getting Chinese food. Yum! Unfortunately some asshole took it upon himself to rob a bank on a Tuesday of all days, sending local public school into lock down, and of course we followed suit. This meant no lunch period. Lunch vouchers were passed out but the cafeteria is under supplied on Tuesdays as it expects all seniors to be out for lunch. This unfortunate situation was compounded by the abysmal quality of the hamburgers prepared for lunch this afternoon, the thought of which triggers my gag reflex. So with my stomach rumbling i prepared to face Physics the most dreaded class of the day.

Physics sucked. Physics sucks, I don't want to write about it. Nor will I

After Physics, I went to the front office to sign out of school as I only had Photography and I didn't feel like going to it given the current state of my day. When I called my mom, her hairdresser answered as she was getting a haircut. My mother is hearing impaired and wears hearing aids. Thus, while receiving a haircut, she removes her "ears" as moisture is involved in the hairdressing process. Of course the uber bitch, Alicia Petit (although no longer employed by the school) was brooding in the front office, and she challenged the validity of my call home because my mom's hairdresser was speaking on behalf of my mom. I insufficiently bitched her out but still got my point across. What I wouldn't give to really be able to tear into her (with my words). The woman needs to be institutionalized. Despite this hurdle I was inevitably freed from the binding roots of the banyan and made ready to dash away with Gaby Towards Cafe Epicure and Urinalysis. (ooh a cliffhanger)

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